Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine which treats acute medical conditions. Homeopathy works on the basic rule that “like cures like”. The remedies are made from plants and minerals and are indeed gentle, and safe to take under the guidance of a homeopathic practitioner.
Get Relieved From Pain
Humana Pain Management
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Happy statement
Happy Client

Thank you Dr Humaira for this wonderful treatment! It has certainly worked wonders for me because I do realise my problem is quite severe but right now I am managing so well even without excercise!I would highly recommend this very safe and simple treatment of injecting the area of pain just under the skin.
Rubina Raja
Statement non-edited

Seek health with Humaira Siddiki
Humaira Siddiki is a BRCP* registered homeopath. She has practiced homeopathy for almost 29 years. Her area of concentration is Pain Management. She has travelled the world to offer pain relief to groups of people who regularly requested her attention and healing hands.
*BRCP (British Register of Complementary Practitioners)

The Benefits of our service
All creatures could heal their bodies within, using vital force. Vital Force is “the energy which animates living creatures”. When our vital force is low! that is when we are most susceptible to fall ill. Homeopathy helps boost our vital force enabling our body to heal and maintain a healthy state thereafter.

"The Journey of Humaira"
Humaira’s journey started in 1993 when her first born was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and was on antibiotics regularly. His doctor further suggested steroids. That is when Humaira decided to go down the path of homeopathy as she wanted to save her son’s little body from the suggested chemicals.
Features & Benefits
- Natural remedies made from plants
- healing bodies using vital force
- Offering long-term relief
- Treatments for spinal column
- Focus on Health
- End to Back pain
- Get Better Health
- Achieve Peace of Mind
- Focus on Beauty not Pain
- Accomplish More in Life
Tribute by the Homeopath

Humaria Siddiki
In 1993, Humaira was under the care of a General Practitioner named Dr Ram Rawal. Dr Rawal was also a well-known practicing homeopath. The GP had a great role in Humaira Siddikis’s becoming the successful homeopath she is today; he felt her sincere passion towards natural alternative medicine; he encouraged her to study homeopathy and guided her accordingly. Today the experienced homeopath is pleased to record herewith, her sincere gratitude to Dr Ram Rawal for his support and guidance. She considered him as her Guru.
Happy Statements
Happy Clients

Congratulations! Can’t thank you enough for curing my mother.
Farah Afridi
14 January 2020
I was having a lot of pain killers for relieving pain in my lower back, due to degeneration for many years. Then last year I was recommended this homeopathic treatment being administered by Humaira. On completion of my treatment last September lasting about 25 weeks I am now able to live a comfortable life without having to take any pain killers.
Feeling greatly relieved and thankful to Humaira for making my life much more comfortable than before.
Munir Ahmed Khan
Humaira has done an excellent job in managing some long-term aches and pains in my knee, lower back, and hip, which had been giving me increasing amount of discomfort and affecting my ability to play the standard of tennis of which I am capable. She spent a significant amount of time in diagnosis, obtaining a full understanding of every aspect of me from both a health and wellbeing point of view. I had complete faith in her professionalism and ability. During the initial series of homeopathic injections, I felt an improvement after about only two weeks which meant I was able to fully enjoy both my tennis matches and my young grandchildren. At the moment, I have no pain in my lower back or hip, but I continue to take homeopathic pillules as prescribed by Humaira so that I can enjoy life to the full. Thank you Humaira, you have made such a difference to my health and wellbeing. I would recommend a course of treatment to anyone.
Cathy Bosshardt (Age 62)
Statements non-edited
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